Friday, February 29, 2008

Our Visit to Orphanage in Foshan and her finding place

We visited Zians swi today on Thursday 28th Feb 08. We then travelled to locate her abandoment place now known as her finding place in Guichang Town, Nanhai District, Foshan city.
This day for me was very draining but also so uplifting to the spirtit.
We visited the swi to the open arms of Ms tang and all the staff. We entred through the huge locked entrance to have a carer yell 'Gay Gay', grab Zian and walk away from us. It turns out she was Zians main Carer and loved her so much she was happy for us but missed Zian so much. She was crying and that started me.

The power of the visit was that we could see she was very muched loved and adored ccccccccx vv v v v v vv vv hhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjj.Okay that was zian helping me type as she is on my lap.
We were able to have play time with her friends awaiting adoption, in the activity room. We were there for bottle time and let me tell you, 210ml bottles are drunk in under 2 mins. one.
Some babies then had sleep time. Some did not, they wanted to play with Zian.
This girl has Spunk i tell you. The babies like her and i think we meet every staff member in the place.
I was able to spend play time with some children, who's families are travelling soon to meet them. I had time with each child which was lovely. Rememerting at all times these babies are Zian's play mates and have been for past year. It will be lovely to keep in touch with these families over the years for the children as this is a important phase of any childs life.
Zian loved being back and even went back into her own cot which they still have not taken her name off. She also loved knowing we were close and was happy to leave with us and no tears.
We gifted the children of the orphange some duplo blocks with buckets and 2 tents with coloured balls for them to enjoy at play time. I am sure they will be delighted. The swi currently is full with 100 children. There are 20 babies under 5 months 22 babies 5 months to 15months and 10 to 2 years. The remaining children have special needs of which 15 may be accepted by CCAA for adoption. The others that CCAA do not accept will be cared for by orphanage.

Travel to Finding Place.

Ms Tang drove us to the area of which she thought may be close to finding area. We then spoke through our guide to locals to find exact point of abadoment. It was a lovely place for the community to play basketball and to sit out in sun with friends. There were little children playing with their grand parents. Lovely to see. Definately a poorer area. The local older people in park were talking about us amognst themselves, trying to work out why we were there. We had video camera out, digital camera , chinese baby, two white people,(i guess we kinda stood out)They decided maybe we were adopting but they said our baby was not Chinese..What the!!!!!!!!Was good to have a laugh when our guide was telling us.

Zian has decided today she no longer wants to drink her formula. She eats evrything in sight so we will see what comes over the next few days.

We keep getting in trouble from the older people that we dont have enough layers on her.I thought 5 layers would be
I am writing this actually on friday 29th as blogspot was down again last night.

Connie, Julie Anne and Heidi and families, i hope that we could bring instant happiness into your lives today when you opened your email and had photos of your babies. It was pleaseure for us to be invited to have cuddles and play with them. W e thank you for that.
Jake and Tayn, Mummy and Daddy miss you guys so much and cant wait too see you in Melbourne. We have been away for over a week already and i hope that has gone fast for you.
Take care xoxoxo

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We have meet Zian and welcomed her with open arms

I am Having heaps of trouble with blog page from China, so i apologize for not up to date posts.

Today is day 2. It is 11.15pm and Zian is sleeping peacefully IN HER BED.

DAY 1.

We arrived at Notary building to meet Zian with our Chinese guide Nikki early. We were than with another 10 couples from around the world. They were all presented with their babies and there we were all alone with no baby.
Yep thats right 20 mins later, she was in our arms. Me absolutely beside myself(tears free flowing)
The longest wait, but the rewards huge.

These photos were instantly of when we were finally able to pry Zian away from her carer. We had tears as she did. Two ladies with us are carer and orphanage foshan director.

It certainly is that moment of when you first meet your birth baby. INSTANT LOVE!!!!!!!

The carers and orphanage director were very concerned for Zian, as she does not like strangers. By the end of our meeting with them they felt happy that she had settled with us. They were very happy for us and have invited us to share lunch with them at Zians orphanage this Thursday.

Zian showed little emotion with us yesterday afternoon and was very warm with a runny nose.

Yes 12am this morning we had the hotel doctor visiting us as she had fever's and was not well.

We now have all medicines on board and she is doing well. She has a upper respiratory infection.
DAy 2
Today we have had a wonderful day.
Zian had a lvely morning sleep,while daddy watched a movie on t.v.
Mummy slipped downstairs for a massage and wax in salon. I went and bought a stroller and picked up washing from laundry.(in china you drop off and pick up next day washed and ironed,very very cheap.)
Please find this palce in Townsville for me on my return.
If you have a happy mummy you have a happy baby. Daddy was happy to have quiet time without me chatting in his ear.
This afternoon we have chatted with big brothers, nanny and grandad on skype and they are so thrilled to see Zian and chat!!!!
While chatting this afternoon we have seen her wave, clap hands and smile with a giggle.
Tonight we have seen her giggle loudly when daddy throws her in the air. She is sharing her toys with mummy and daddy. She is talking baby babble and walking around the room just taking it all in. So with each minute that passes she is becoming the Zian we will get to know.

She has taken to food so well and managing a really healthy routine. She loves her congee(Chinese baby meal), fresh fruit, banana, french fries, biscuits. She is drinking juice, water and warm formula milk.

We pray for a long uninterrupted sleep tonight for her of course,not
Today was freezing for us North Queenslanders, 7c and another cold snap to hit southern China tomorrow.
A big thank you to Karen Ramsay for all of Charlotte's Melbourne clothing. Not sure what we would have done without it. We are rugged up with beanies gloves,jackets and scarves. So funny to see. The wind is just so chilling.
Until i can post again. Take care and all our love,


Auntie Kim, download skype so we can introduce Zian to you and nanny and poppy Poulsen

Monday, February 25, 2008


Today our family grows in presence of a young child who has found us to love her, protect her and watch her flourish. We are trully blessed to have her entre our lives and to have the privledge of being her parents.

This is the legend of the RED THRED
'When a child is born, invisible red threads reach out from the child's spirit and connect to all the important people who will entre the child's life.
As the child grows, the threads shortern, bringing closer those people who are destined to be together. The threads may tangle but they will never break.

In 30 mins we will meet our guide who will accompany us to the meeting place. This is approx 30mins away by bus. There we will meet Zian, do some paper work and bring her back with us to hotel and begin our new chapter of the Poulsen family.
Our love to all

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We have begun our travels

Goodbye Australia and Hello Hong Kong.
Arrived 8.30pm last night Honkers time. Guys in Australia, we are 2hrs behind Q.L.D time .
Love the look and feel of this place at night. Will let you know what i think in day light hours later.
We flew to Cairns from the Ville and spent time with Daves Family, Irene and Harvey and sister Kim. Was nice to catch up with them.Thanks guys for meeting us.
Auntie kim took some pics of us at Depature lounge at Cairns international for me to post so a Big Thankyou Kim. Enjoy your new red rocket!!!!!
Texting is working well so happy about that. Jake has sent me two text messages about his sad day with his mum n dad being away. Did i mention i cried from Tville to Cairns over my boys. Just feel so sad for them.
Weather here lovely 14c-20c. Couldnt be nicer.
Our flight was comfortable and Nice having time together with dave and stress levels are slowely subsiding..
Will post pics tonite ive run out of battery on laptop and need to buy a power converter at shops.
Take care jo

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Travel day has arrived

We will be picked up by Grandad and Nanny in 1 hour to begin our travel to our Daughter. While one part of my heart is travelling to my daughter the other parts of my heart are feeling broken. It was very hard to say goodbye to my boys this morning for 3 weeks. It is such an emotional time within me. Lots of tears. What makes me feel brighter is to know that i have my Mum and Dads support.
My Mum and Dad have made my dream come true,with my journey to adopt my daughter. I am so blessed to have myself been adopted into their lives.
My mum Kay is my 'mummy mentor' and i am who i am today from the love and support she has always given and shown to me. My parents are living with my boys while we are away and will love, laugh, cry and support Jake and Tayn. This allows me to go and focus our energies on Zian.
So i will post again from Hong Kong before we travel into China with 1 night until we meet our daughter.
Take care of you all and chat soon Love JOxoxoxo

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Paper Trail completed in Australia

Hi to all thats reading,

I can now confirm with all the horrific weather throughout china, that it appears even though Foshan is experiencing 2c tempreatures when normally this time of year,12c. All appears well at orpahange unlike other areas that took the hit form snow storm. The worst they have seen in over 5o years. Millions of dollars of damage and of course at the time of year that the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year. So all decorations and travel plans to families were devasted by weather conditions.


So we have passports and visa in hand, we have all offical paper work from N.T adoption unit. I think our paper work alone will weigh more than our bags with clothing. We have Crisp brand new US dollars and RMB so we are ready to roll. Bring on Wednesday 2oth Feb.

We had our friends over on Saturday night and a big thankyou to Kel and Sue for Crafting with me .
We made a wall hanging of Zians name. It came up beautiful. Tracey you are not forgotton, thanks for keeping the big boys occupied in playing cards.

Mum came over on Monday to help me pack Zians bag of clothing and to get all 20 pages of instructions(lol) from me on the boys. What there schedules include school, sports, sleep overs, lunch orders etc etc.

We have never been away from our boys for this long, together, and i think quietly im starting to fret....

I have made so many contacts over the internet and it feels great to be able to share our story and journey and to learn and watch so many other families travelling the same path we are. We were blessed with a contact family Angie and Andy who recently visited Zian, gave her a cuddle and sent us the Australia day photos. How amazing these connections we can make by putting ourselves out there for the support that is needed in this long journey we began back in 2005.
I am hopping when we travel we will be able to bring joy to other families who have requested photos of ther children who arewaiting to travel.

Our other big news for today, my Brother Jason, wife Peg and son Curtis are expecting a new addition to there family in late August. So this year is a big year for our growing family.